Friday, May 8, 2009

What is the Abortion Pill?

The Abortion pill also known as Mifepristone, Mifeprex or RU486 is a type of medication you can take for an early abortion if you are eight weeks pregnant or less. The pill was introduced in France about a decade ago in 1988, but other countries were reluctant to try it, and it has since caused a lot of controversy. In 1991 the United Kingdom approved the drug and soon after many other countries such as Greece, Germany and Finland followed. It wasn’t until 2000 the United States approved the drug; some states are still not choosing to make the drug legal. Canada is also yet to make the drug legal. In 1996 Australia banned Mifepristone but in 2006 the ban was lifted so it is now legal for use but no drug company has applied to import and distribute it. Shouldn’t this be a hint that maybe it isn’t the best drug?

So why is New Zealand making the drug legal?

Family Planning applied to make it legal as they thought there should be another abortion option available for woman today. But after reading about the effects and how it is used I’m not sure it really is the best option. When going for the medical abortion you are given a pill to take while you are there, then you are given a second pill to take 24hours later at home where the miscarriage takes place. Is it really the "safest" option for women to be left alone with out hospital care while this is happening? I personally don’t think this is the best idea. After two weeks you are then advised to go back to the clinic so they can make sure the miscarrdge was complete. What if something goes wrong during those two weeks or during the 72hours the miscarriage takes place. You should defiantly have professional care.
Isn't it ironic that family planning will be the ones talking to the patients about abortion, helping them decide what to do, and then giving them the pill. Do they really have New Zealand women’s best interest at heart or do they just want more business?

Currently the pill is available in six clinics in New Zealand. All in Auckland and Wellington. If family planning gets consent they will be available in 30 clinics.
About 18,000 NZ women have an abortion each year with the Abortion pill so easily available it is likely people such as young teens will take it as an easy fix and not think about the consequences of un protected sex. This is another issue with this Abortion Pill there is no age limit on how old you have to be to take it. Which again gives young teens a bad idea! It’s really not a quick fix and is not something you can take lightly.


  1. Hey there!

    Has there been any cases of severe side effects to this medication? Sorry, it must be the computer I'm on at present, but couldn't get to the film, so perhaps this supplies the answer to this question. Perhaps the male birth control pill being researched at present will solve many of the problems you mention by decreasing unwanted pregnancies - so long as they remember to take it, of course. But the onus for birth control as usual will still probably fall on women.

    France has been using it for a long time, so they obviously accept the risks involved. The drug must have gone through improvements since it first came out. The ramifications of making this available in New Zealand, however, could make promiscuousness all the worst with an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.

  2. hey!
    thank you so much for your comment.

    it does say in the video about some of the side effects but some of them are; heavy bleeding, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and heavy cramping.

    exactly! with it being in New Zealand and available to women of all ages it is more likley that people will not take safe sex as seriously as they should and sexually transmitted diseases will become an even worse issue as well as more and more teen pregnancys!

  3. im a christian so even thinkning about abortion is abhorrent to me. in my opinion it is on the same level as murder so i don't think that their should even be the option of taking the pill or having an abortion. however in the case of rape pregnancies im pretty divideed and still not really sure what i think.

  4. After reading your discussion, I think this pill is a lot more dangerous than I thought. I am not a Christian, but myself also feels a bit sick about the people who are sex abuses. I think the problem “abortion” will not exist if people just not being too abuse to sex. If you want to do it, then you must take your own responsibility honestly. I do agree to you that the pill must be dangerous so this could be one of the reason why some countries still rejects it. Not only this abortion pill, there are also a lot different drugs are prohibited to the public because if one uses it he/she has to take the risk. Unfortunately there are some people in this world need help from these “strong drugs”, this might be caused by some serious diseases.

  5. Are the abortion pills expensive ? In my country, the women need to acquire doctor's permission before they are prescribed for the drugs.

    I believe the parents in New Zealand should encourage their children to go to visit a doctor before using the abortion pills . The children should be taught about the results of their reckless behaviour.
