Saturday, May 9, 2009

Did you Know

I came across a website that if you live in a country where there are no SAFE options for abortion such as; Hong Kong, Poland, Costa Rica, Peru, Ireland, etc. You can have an online consultation where you talk to a nurse who then talks to a doctor and then they mail the abortion pill to you.

I know they are only trying to help reduce the number of women who die of an illegal abortion because every year 42 million woman have an abortion. Every 7 minutes a woman dies of an illegal abortion. But doesn’t this prove just how easy it is to get hold of the pill.
When we live in a country where there are safe methods of abortion do we really need the abortion pill? And shouldn’t it really have an age limit on how old you have to be to take it. Because of this I can guarantee that there will be a much higher rate of sexually transmitted diseases, teen pregnancy and more and more people will have abortions as they will think it is the easy way out.


  1. Hi, I think in your first paragraph how you say they just send it out! I think that is ridilcous, because they haven't been into the dr properly and had a check over or anything.... its sooo stupid, and what if people phone up saying they need it but are going to try use it for other things???

    Also i think new zealand doesn't need the abortion pill as we do have safe methods of abortions as you said and because like what you said there will be more people having unprotected sex so there will be more diseases and they will not care becuase they will just be like "Hey lets go get the abortion pill, its algood!" and lastly there difintely should be a age limit on it, or young ones will purchase it.

    Quick question have you come across how much this pill is going to cost???

  2. exaclty i am so glad you no where i am coming from!

    i dont have a deffinate answer as family planning hasnt let the cost out yet but i think its free or if not it will be largly subsadised.
